
Thursday, August 14, 2014

5 Reasons

I keep seeing this link shared on Facebook.

5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night

It is a cute little article telling wives to have more sex with there husbands. It is a fun read but the comments that come after it are eye opening. Sir and I have always had a healthy sex life. Before our switch to a 24/7 lifestyle we would have sex 2-3 times a week. We have never been able to keep our hands off of each other and have embarrassed our children and friends on more than one occasion. In our current arrangement (and when He is home) we have sex every day. Sometimes two or three times a day. Its not always mind blowing, world stop spinning sex. We have quickies in the garage. We sneak away during nap time. We run off into the woods while camping with friends and our kids. We have a LOT of sex.

The wives commenting are acting like Sex is a terrible thing. An inconvenience to them. They don't want to touch their husbands and they use the kids and work and schedules as an excuse. I find it sad. And I feel so sorry for the men living like this. I think women can show their love and emotions easier with words. Men show it through that physical connection a couple has during sex...making love....or fucking.

I can not imagine our lives like that. Going days sleeping in the same bed and not touching Him. It sounds like Hell to me.


  1. I'm ashamed to admit, I had that view prior to our dynamic. I really do feel awful about it and all the years I wasted not having sex more often!

    1. I am glad you are playing more and enjoying your relationship now!

  2. Amen sister ! We've always had sex all the time since we met it's been like this. I think now it's more. I don't understand and probably never will understand why women think it's ok yo use sex as an object. No I don't want it so too bad for the man poor guy. This is why men cheat ! It's hard through the mommy years but you love him for a reason darn it show him! I think maybe we just love our men a lot! And having sex with them is not even close to a chore. :)

    1. It has never been a chore to me! I was shocked to learn that some wives use sex as a bargaining chip. "I'll give you a blow job IF you clean the bathroom." He would die laughing if I said something like that to Him!
