
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holidays and Stress

The holidays are almost gone and I think I will survive. Christmas, my birthday, and Sir's birthday were really really hard for me. You could just look at me and I would almost burst into tears. I was lucky because all the grandparents came to see us for Christmas and they helped me with the kids so much. We spent a lot of time cooking with the boys and laughing with each other. Over all it was a great day - with a huge hole.

So one more holiday and it is done. New Years has never been a big deal for us so I think I will be ok. The boys are going to spend a few days with my parents and their cousins so I will get a lot of sleep and maybe catch a movie or two.

The deployment is almost over and then the real fun will start. I am so excited to move and get a fresh start. We have so much to do in the next few months that it can be overwhelming at times. My lists are out of control and I am running around like a mad woman. House selling/buying is crazy and sometimes I think we may end up homeless (or in base housing which is NOT what I want).

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